Importance of Renewal

The Importance of Renewal

(translations in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian)

2 Cor 4:16

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. NIV

2 Cor 4:16

yet our inner self is being [progressively] renewed day after day AMP

2 Cor 4:16

our inner man is made new day by day. BBE

2 Cor 4:16

where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. MES

2 Cor 4:16

Our inner being is renewed every single day.  TPT

Life is a gift everyday, living it is a choice.

We have this power everyday if we choose. 

It is such an amazing truth that every day we live here on earth, the Lord Jesus Christ is bringing us more and more into His image. Every day he is renewing us from the old and giving us new. As Christians, we truly need to see the importance of this truth. It is something we can have and enjoy every day. From the second we wake up, His power, and His Spirit are making things new. There is no old in this, just new. As good as yesterday may have been, there is more today in Him. Look at the various ways to understand this term renewed. 

Renewed: Simply–to make new again, which means–Today we have the image of Jesus being made new in us again. We are receiving a daily increase of light and life from God, so that we may grow more like Him. We are being continually fed with fresh waves of His grace.

For Jesus to renew us, there has to be something new each and every day being brought to us to be renewed. It has to be newer than what already exists. Without Him doing this we remain the same. We have no ability to do this on our own. Renewal, although invisible, is a very real process from the Spirit of Jesus changing us into His image. The inner man is being acted upon by an outside power, the supernatural power of God. He causes our image to become new and better or superior than the quality previously. The quality of newness you had yesterday has been made better today. Our inner being is continually being changed into a newer quality of His life which we did not have before, or it would not be new. 

So here are seven aspects which take place everyday Jesus is renewing us. 

  1. Renewal is the supernatural power of God, it indicates our inner man is being acted upon by an outside power, the supernatural power of God, It takes His power to mold and shape us into the right image and likeness.
  2. Renewal brings us closer, and every day we can experience fresh and anew the overwhelming power of God’s love
  3. Renewal always means there is more. His life can become better, we can keep growing, and learning, 
  4. Renewal aligns us, Keeps us in the right mind and heart. His renewing process is always centering us on Him and His life.
  5. Renewal always brings us into the “Now”, it gives us fresh faith for today. 
  6. Renewal protects us by revealing the old and giving us new, lifts us away from the old life which is corrupt, lifts us from the pressures of this world and all its darkness
  7. Renewal is how God continually reminds us He is right here with us, that we belong to Him and we can now be with Him everyday.

So let’s believe for and receive from Him with our faith to be made new again, today and every day we are here on this earth. 

Scriptural references: 2Cor.5:17, 4:16-18, Rom.12:2, Ps.51:10, Eph.4:22-24, Titus 3:5-7, Col.3:10-14

La importancia de la renovación


2 Corintios 4:16

16 No desmayemos, pues. Aunque por fuera nos consumimos, por dentro nos renovamos de día en día. NVI

2 Corintios 4:16

pero nuestro interior se renueva [progresivamente] día tras día AMP

2 Cor 4:16

nuestro hombre interior se renueva de día en día. BBE

2 Cor 4:16

donde Dios está haciendo vida nueva, no pasa un día sin que su gracia se despliegue. MES

2 Cor 4:16

Nuestro interior se renueva cada día.  TPT

La vida es un regalo cada día, vivirla es una elección.

Tenemos este poder cada día si escogemos. 

Es una verdad tan asombrosa que cada día que vivimos aquí en la tierra, el Señor Jesucristo nos está trayendo más y más a su imagen. Cada día nos renueva de lo viejo y nos da lo nuevo. Como cristianos, realmente necesitamos ver la importancia de esta verdad. Es algo que podemos tener y disfrutar cada día. Desde el segundo que despertamos, Su poder, y Su Espíritu están haciendo las cosas nuevas. No hay viejo en esto, solo nuevo. Tan bueno como ayer pudo haber sido, hay más hoy en Él. Mira las varias maneras de entender este término renovado. 

Renovado: Simplemente–hacer nuevo otra vez, lo que significa–Hoy tenemos la imagen de Jesús siendo hecho nuevo en nosotros otra vez. Estamos recibiendo un incremento diario de luz y vida de Dios, para que podamos crecer más como El. Estamos siendo continuamente alimentados con olas frescas de Su gracia.

Para que Jesús nos renueve, tiene que haber algo nuevo cada día que se nos traiga para ser renovado. Tiene que ser más nuevo que lo que ya existe. Sin El haciendo esto nosotros permanecemos igual. No somos capaces de hacerlo por nosotros mismos. La renovación, aunque invisible, es un proceso muy real del Espíritu de Jesús cambiándonos a Su imagen. El hombre interior esta siendo actuado por un poder exterior, el poder sobrenatural de Dios. El hace que nuestra imagen se vuelva nueva y mejor o superior a la calidad que tenia antes. La calidad de novedad que tenias ayer se ha hecho mejor hoy. Nuestro ser interior esta continuamente siendo cambiado a una calidad mas nueva de Su vida la cual no teniamos antes, o no seria nueva. 

Así que aquí hay siete aspectos que tienen lugar cada día Jesús nos está renovando. 

Renovación es el poder sobrenatural de Dios, indica que nuestro hombre interior esta siendo actuado por un poder exterior, el poder sobrenatural de Dios, Toma Su poder para moldearnos y formarnos a la imagen y semejanza correcta.

La renovación nos acerca, y cada día podemos experimentar de nuevo el poder arrollador del amor de Dios.

La renovación siempre significa que hay más. Su vida puede mejorar, podemos seguir creciendo y aprendiendo, 

La renovación nos alinea, nos mantiene en la mente y el corazón correctos. Su proceso de renovación siempre nos centra en Él y en Su vida.

La renovación siempre nos trae al “Ahora”, nos da una fe fresca para hoy. 

La renovación nos protege revelando lo viejo y dándonos lo nuevo, nos aleja de la vieja vida que es corrupta, nos aleja de las presiones de este mundo y de toda su oscuridad.

La renovación es la forma en que Dios nos recuerda continuamente que Él está aquí con nosotros, que le pertenecemos y que ahora podemos estar con Él todos los días.

Así que creamos y recibamos de Él con nuestra fe para ser hechos nuevos otra vez, hoy y cada día que estemos aquí en esta tierra. 

Referencias Bíblicas: 2 Corintios 5:17, 4:16-18, Romanos 12:2, Salmo 51:10, Efesios 4:22-24, Tito 3:5-7, Colosenses 3:10-14.

A importância da renovação


2 Cor 4:16

16 Portanto, não desanimemos. Embora exteriormente estejamos nos definhando, interiormente estamos sendo renovados dia a dia. NVI

2 Cor 4:16

contudo, o nosso interior está sendo [progressivamente] renovado dia após dia AMP

2 Cor 4:16

nosso homem interior se renova dia a dia. BBE

2 Cor 4:16

onde Deus está dando nova vida, não passa um dia sem que sua graça se desenvolva. MES

2 Cor 4:16

Nosso ser interior é renovado todos os dias.  TPT

A vida é uma dádiva todos os dias, mas vivê-la é uma escolha.

Temos esse poder todos os dias, se quisermos. 

É uma verdade incrível que, a cada dia que vivemos aqui na Terra, o Senhor Jesus Cristo está nos transformando cada vez mais em Sua imagem. Todos os dias, Ele nos renova do velho e nos dá o novo. Como cristãos, precisamos realmente ver a importância dessa verdade. É algo que podemos ter e desfrutar todos os dias. Desde o segundo em que acordamos, Seu poder e Seu Espírito estão fazendo coisas novas. Não há nada velho nisso, apenas novo. Por melhor que tenha sido o dia de ontem, há mais hoje Nele. Veja as várias maneiras de entender esse termo renovado. 

Renovado: Simplesmente – fazer novo novamente, o que significa – Hoje temos a imagem de Jesus sendo feita nova em nós novamente. Estamos recebendo um aumento diário de luz e vida de Deus, para que possamos nos tornar mais semelhantes a Ele. Estamos sendo continuamente alimentados com novas ondas de Sua graça.

Para que Jesus nos renove, é preciso que haja algo novo a cada dia que nos é trazido para sermos renovados. Tem de ser mais novo do que o que já existe. Sem que Ele faça isso, permanecemos os mesmos. Não temos capacidade de fazer isso por nós mesmos. A renovação, embora invisível, é um processo muito real do Espírito de Jesus que nos transforma à Sua imagem. O homem interior está sendo influenciado por um poder externo, o poder sobrenatural de Deus. Ele faz com que nossa imagem se torne nova e melhor ou superior à qualidade anterior. A qualidade de novidade que você tinha ontem se tornou melhor hoje. Nosso ser interior está sendo continuamente transformado em uma qualidade mais nova de Sua vida, que não tínhamos antes, ou não seria nova. 

Portanto, aqui estão sete aspectos que ocorrem todos os dias em que Jesus está nos renovando. 

A renovação é o poder sobrenatural de Deus, indica que nosso homem interior está sendo influenciado por um poder externo, o poder sobrenatural de Deus.

A renovação nos aproxima, e todos os dias podemos experimentar de novo o poder avassalador do amor de Deus

A renovação sempre significa que há mais. Sua vida pode se tornar melhor, podemos continuar crescendo e aprendendo, 

A renovação nos alinha, nos mantém na mente e no coração certos. Seu processo de renovação está sempre nos centralizando Nele e em Sua vida.

A renovação sempre nos traz para o “Agora”, nos dá uma nova fé para o dia de hoje. 

A renovação nos protege revelando o velho e nos dando o novo, nos livra da velha vida que é corrupta, nos livra das pressões deste mundo e de toda a sua escuridão

A renovação é a maneira pela qual Deus nos lembra continuamente que Ele está bem aqui conosco, que pertencemos a Ele e que agora podemos estar com Ele todos os dias.

Portanto, vamos acreditar e receber Dele com nossa fé para sermos renovados novamente, hoje e todos os dias em que estivermos aqui nesta Terra. 

Referências bíblicas: 2Cor.5:17, 4:16-18, Rom.12:2, Sal.51:10, Ef.4:22-24, Tito 3:5-7, Col.3:10-14

Importanța reînnoirii


2 Corinteni 4:16

16 De aceea nu ne pierdem inima. Deși în exterior ne pierdem, în interior ne înnoim zi de zi. NIV

2 Corinteni 4:16

dar interiorul nostru se înnoiește [progresiv] zi de zi AMP

2 Cor 4:16

omul nostru lăuntric este făcut nou zi de zi. BBE

2 Cor 4:16

acolo unde Dumnezeu face viața nouă, nu trece o zi fără ca harul Său să se desfășoare. MES

2 Cor 4:16

Ființa noastră interioară este reînnoită în fiecare zi.  TPT

Viața este un dar în fiecare zi, trăirea ei este o alegere.

Avem această putere în fiecare zi dacă alegem. 

Este un adevăr atât de uimitor că, în fiecare zi pe care o trăim aici pe pământ, Domnul Isus Hristos ne aduce tot mai mult după chipul Său. În fiecare zi, El ne reînnoiește din cele vechi și ne dăruiește altele noi. Ca și creștini, trebuie să vedem cu adevărat importanța acestui adevăr. Este ceva ce putem avea și de care ne putem bucura în fiecare zi. Din clipa în care ne trezim, puterea Lui și Duhul Său fac lucrurile noi. Nu există vechi în acest sens, ci doar nou. Oricât de bun ar fi fost ziua de ieri, astăzi există mai mult în El. Priviți diferitele moduri de a înțelege acest termen reînnoit. 

Înnoit: Pur și simplu… a face din nou nou, ceea ce înseamnă… Astăzi avem din nou imaginea lui Isus fiind făcut nou în noi. Primim o creștere zilnică de lumină și de viață de la Dumnezeu, pentru ca noi să devenim tot mai asemănători cu El. Suntem hrăniți continuu cu valuri proaspete ale harului Său.

Pentru ca Isus să ne reînnoiască, trebuie ca în fiecare zi să ni se aducă ceva nou pentru a fi reînnoiți. Trebuie să fie ceva mai nou decât ceea ce există deja. Fără ca El să facă acest lucru, noi rămânem la fel. Nu avem capacitatea de a face acest lucru pe cont propriu. Reînnoirea, deși invizibilă, este un proces foarte real din partea Duhului lui Isus care ne schimbă după chipul Său. Omul interior este acționat de o putere exterioară, puterea supranaturală a lui Dumnezeu. El face ca imaginea noastră să devină nouă și mai bună sau superioară calității de dinainte. Calitatea de noutate pe care o aveai ieri a devenit mai bună astăzi. Ființa noastră interioară este schimbată continuu într-o calitate mai nouă a vieții Sale, pe care nu o aveam înainte, altfel nu ar fi nouă. 

Iată așadar șapte aspecte care au loc în fiecare zi în care Isus ne înnoiește. 

Reînnoirea este puterea supranaturală a lui Dumnezeu, ea indică faptul că omul nostru interior este acționat de o putere exterioară, puterea supranaturală a lui Dumnezeu, Este nevoie de puterea Lui pentru a ne modela și a ne modela după chipul și asemănarea potrivită.

Reînnoirea ne apropie și în fiecare zi putem experimenta din nou și din nou puterea copleșitoare a dragostei lui Dumnezeu

Reînnoirea înseamnă întotdeauna că există mai mult. Viața Lui poate deveni mai bună, noi putem continua să creștem și să învățăm, 

Reînnoirea ne aliniază, Ne menține în mintea și inima potrivită. Procesul Său de reînnoire ne centrează mereu pe El și pe viața Sa.

Reînnoirea ne aduce întotdeauna în “Acum”, ne dă o credință proaspătă pentru astăzi. 

Reînnoirea ne protejează prin dezvăluirea celor vechi și oferirea celor noi, ne îndepărtează de viața veche care este coruptă, ne ridică de presiunile acestei lumi și de tot întunericul ei

Reînnoirea este modul în care Dumnezeu ne amintește continuu că este aici cu noi, că Îi aparținem și că acum putem fi cu El în fiecare zi.

Așa că haideți să credem pentru și să primim de la El cu credința noastră pentru a fi făcuți noi din nou, astăzi și în fiecare zi în care suntem aici pe acest pământ. 

Referințe din Scriptură: 2Cor.5:17, 4:16-18, Rom.12:2, Ps.51:10, Efes.4:22-24, Tit 3:5-7, Col.3:10-14

Desfrutando de Sua dádiva da vida “hoje”

Desfrutando de Sua dádiva da vida “hoje”

Graças a Deus por Sua dádiva indescritível! 2 Coríntios 9:15 NASB2020

Toda boa dádiva e todo dom perfeito vêm do alto, descem do Pai das luzes [o Criador e Sustentador dos céus], em quem não há variação [não há nascer nem pôr] nem sombra da sua mudança [pois Ele é perfeito e nunca muda].Tiago 1:17 AMP

Se você é cristão e consegue ler o título deste artigo, então a dádiva da vida de Jesus Cristo, tudo o que Ele é e tudo o que Ele representa foi estendida a você hoje. Se você não é cristão, a dádiva da vida ainda está disponível para você hoje. Agora, vamos parar um minuto para realmente refletir sobre esse pensamento ao analisarmos a definição de um presente.

Presente; algo dado voluntariamente a alguém sem pagamento; algo voluntariamente dado ou transferido por uma pessoa a outra sem compensação; um item dado a alguém sem a expectativa de pagamento ou algo em troca. É uma oferta de livre e espontânea vontade, sem compromisso e sem expectativa de receber algo em troca;

Os presentes devem simbolizar o afeto e o apreço que temos por alguém. Dar presentes, independentemente da ocasião, deve ser uma demonstração de nosso amor e apreço pela pessoa a quem estamos dando o presente. O objetivo é abençoá-la e incentivá-la. Entretanto, também sabemos que, às vezes, parece ser uma obrigação.

Sabemos que, seja qual for a ocasião, o protocolo é que devemos levar um presente. Quando foi o último presente que você deu a alguém por causa de seu amor ou afeição por essa pessoa? Agora pense em quantas vezes você deu um presente por protocolo, sem realmente ter nenhum sentimento ligado ao processo de dar um presente.

Se você tem uma família grande, geralmente dá presentes o tempo todo e, é claro, há aqueles momentos em que a norma social é dar um presente. Agora, antes de nos condenarmos, não há nada de errado com a norma social: aniversários, chás de bebê, casamentos, a lista pode continuar. Sabemos que um presente deve ser dado. Sabemos que é considerado apropriado dar um presente. Mas o presente não é tanto por nosso amor e apreço pela pessoa a quem estamos dando o presente, mas sim porque é o que se deve fazer.

No entanto, todos os dias, ao acordarmos para um novo dia, o presente de Cristo está sendo dado a nós com o maior amor e carinho. Não se trata de uma norma social, não é uma obrigação para com Ele, mas é por causa de Seu amor por nós que Ele nos abençoa. Essa dádiva de Sua vida, Sua presença conosco, é a própria pessoa de Jesus demonstrando Seu amor e afeição por nós hoje. Ele nos dá esse presente todas as manhãs quando acordamos.

Não há nada que você tenha feito para receber esse presente, é o que “Ele” fez e ainda está fazendo por você de todo o coração. Lembre-se, um presente é algo dado gratuitamente, não é um pagamento por algo, é apenas uma oferta generosa que uma pessoa tem e está disposta a dar para beneficiar outra pessoa. Esse presente é para abençoá-la, para melhorar sua vida de alguma forma, para melhorá-la ou elevá-la de alguma forma e para demonstrar amor e afeição por ela.

É isso que Jesus está fazendo todos os dias. Ele está nos dando a dádiva de Sua vida. Ele está nos dando a Si mesmo, Sua vida, nova para abrirmos e desfrutarmos. Podemos sentir o amor e o carinho que Ele tem por nós todos os dias.

Quer você seja cristão ou não, cada dia em que estamos vivos é uma dádiva. O que fazemos com essa dádiva é uma escolha. A escolha de Jesus, todos os dias, é dar a dádiva de Sua vida para que a desfrutemos. É um presente dado diretamente de Seu coração para nós.

Sabemos que em ocasiões especiais, ao longo do ano, há momentos em que receberemos um presente. No entanto, todo dia é uma ocasião especial com Jesus. Todos os dias Ele nos dá o presente da vida e tudo o que vem com ela. Como cristãos, podemos receber o presente de Jesus, novo e renovado todos os dias, com todo o Seu amor e carinho. Sua dádiva é permitir que exploremos e experimentemos coisas novas Nele e com Ele todos os dias, se quisermos.

Precisamos ter cuidado para não começarmos a tratar essa dádiva como se ela estivesse sempre presente e não pensarmos mais nela. Não podemos nos esquecer da grande dádiva que Sua vida realmente é para nós, hoje.

Quando eu era um jovem ministro, lembro-me de um orador convidado que tivemos na igreja. Em certa época, esse homem e sua esposa eram ministros de uma igreja muito bem-sucedida na Califórnia. Então, ele teve um ataque cardíaco que causou a morte de 80% de seu coração. Ao contrário de hoje, não havia nada que pudesse ser feito por ele em termos médicos. Ele mal estava vivo e a vida, como ele conhecia, havia desaparecido. Se ele se esforçasse demais ou fizesse qualquer coisa muito rapidamente, desmaiaria ou possivelmente teria o resto do coração parado e morreria.

Eles tiveram que desistir do ministério. Ele viveu nessa condição por vários anos. A vida, como ambos sabiam, havia desaparecido, e sua esposa teve de aceitar um trabalho braçal para que pudessem sobreviver. Tiveram que se mudar de casa para algo menor que pudessem pagar.

Anos depois, eles participaram de uma conferência e, durante uma reunião, ele começou a ter um ataque cardíaco. Algumas pessoas ao seu redor perceberam que ele precisava de ajuda naquele momento. Elas o trouxeram para a frente e oraram por ele, e seu coração foi completamente restaurado, 100%. Sua vida mudou instantaneamente, de quase morto para uma vida plena. Ambos tiveram suas vidas de volta, ele era um novo homem. Ele literalmente tinha um coração que funcionava 100%. Ele deixou de ser capaz de sair do sofá e passou a andar de bicicleta pela vizinhança, compartilhando seu testemunho com todos que quisessem ouvir. Agora ele estava viajando, pregando o evangelho novamente e compartilhando seu testemunho.

Nós dois, que liderávamos a igreja naquela época, quando olhamos em seus olhos, vimos uma gratidão imensa por uma segunda chance na vida. Era realmente possível ver isso em seus olhos. Olhando para ele e ouvindo-o, sabíamos que ele sabia que havia recebido uma segunda chance com o dom da vida.

Talvez não tenhamos uma condição médica que dificulte nossa vida, mas o quanto entendemos que recebemos a dádiva da vida hoje? É um dia totalmente novo! Esse é realmente o primeiro dia do resto de sua vida. Quão gratos somos? O quanto realmente apreciamos este dia? Sentimos o amor e o carinho que Ele está nos dedicando hoje?
Ele quer que você desembrulhe Seu presente da vida hoje e desfrute de todos os aspectos de Sua vida. Você percebe que Deus está gostando de desembrulhar o presente da sua vida e tudo o que você é hoje? Você está dando a Ele o presente de sua vida como uma demonstração de seu amor e afeição? Devemos perceber que Ele está lhe dando a vida Dele porque também gosta de você. Devemos ter cuidado para não olhar para o dia de hoje pensando que é apenas mais um dia, semelhante ao de ontem, nada diferente. Em vez disso, veja Jesus como vivo conosco hoje, criando coisas novas, dando-nos novas experiências e nos aproximando Dele. Embrulhadas em Sua dádiva de vida hoje estão infinitas possibilidades. Portanto, hoje, reserve um tempo para dizer: “Obrigado, obrigado, obrigado, Senhor Jesus” pelo seu presente de vida abundante hoje e, em seguida, abra e aproveite o maior presente já dado a você.

Graças a Deus por Sua dádiva indescritível!
2 Coríntios 9:15 NASB2020

Mas a cada um de nós foi dada graça segundo a medida do dom de Cristo. Efésios 4:7 NASB2020

Disfrutando de Su Regalo de Vida “Hoy”

Disfrutando de Su Regalo de Vida “Hoy”

¡Gracias a Dios por Su regalo indescriptible! 2 Corintios 9:15 NASB2020

Todo lo bueno que se da y todo don perfecto viene de lo alto; desciende del Padre de las luces [el Creador y Sustentador de los cielos], en quien no hay variación [no se levanta ni se pone] ni sombra proyectada por su giro [porque Él es perfecto y nunca cambia].Santiago 1:17 AMP

Si eres cristiano y puedes leer el título de este artículo, entonces el regalo de la vida de Jesucristo, todo lo que Él es, y todo lo que Él representa ha sido extendido a ti, hoy. Si no eres cristiano, el regalo de la vida también ha sido extendido a ti hoy. Ahora tomemos un minuto para pensar realmente este pensamiento mientras miramos la definición de un regalo.

Regalo; algo dado voluntariamente a alguien sin pago; algo dado o transferido voluntariamente por una persona a otra sin compensación; un artículo dado a alguien sin la expectativa de pago o algo a cambio. Se trata de una ofrenda voluntaria sin ataduras y sin esperar nada a cambio;

Los regalos simbolizan el afecto y el aprecio que sentimos por alguien. Dar regalos, independientemente de la ocasión, es una muestra de nuestro amor y aprecio por la persona a la que se lo damos. Es para bendecirla y animarla. Sin embargo, también sabemos que a veces parece una obligación.

Sabemos que, sea cual sea la ocasión, el protocolo establece que debemos llevar un regalo. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que le diste un regalo a alguien por amor o afecto? Piensa ahora cuántas veces has hecho un regalo por protocolo, sin tener realmente ningún sentimiento ligado al proceso de hacer un regalo.

Si tienes una familia numerosa, sueles hacer regalos todo el tiempo y, por supuesto, hay ocasiones en las que la norma social es hacer un regalo. Antes de que nos condenemos, no hay nada malo en la norma social: cumpleaños, duchas, bodas… la lista es interminable. Sabemos que hay que hacer un regalo. Sabemos que se considera correcto hacer un regalo. Pero el regalo no es tanto por nuestro amor y aprecio por la persona a la que se lo hacemos, sino porque es lo que se supone que debemos hacer.

Sin embargo, cada día, al despertar a un nuevo día, el regalo de Cristo se nos da con el mayor amor y afecto. No es una norma social, no es una obligación hacia Él, es por Su amor hacia nosotros para bendecirnos. Este don de su vida, de su presencia con nosotros, es la persona misma de Jesús mostrando su amor y afecto por nosotros hoy. Él nos da este regalo cada mañana cuando nos despertamos.

No hay nada que hayas hecho para obtener este regalo, es lo que “El” hizo y sigue haciendo por ti con todo Su corazón. Recuerda, un regalo es algo dado libremente, no es un pago por algo, es solo una oferta generosa que una persona tiene y esta dispuesta a dar para beneficiar a alguien mas. Este regalo es para bendecirlos, para mejorar su vida de alguna manera, para mejorarlos o elevarlos de alguna manera, y para mostrar amor y afecto hacia ellos.

Esto es lo que Jesús hace cada día. Nos regala su vida. Nos da a sí mismo, su vida, nueva para que la abramos y la disfrutemos. Podemos sentir Su amor y afecto por nosotros cada día.

Seas cristiano o no, cada día que vivimos es un regalo. Lo que hacemos con este regalo es una elección. La elección de Jesús cada día es darnos el regalo de Su vida para que lo disfrutemos. Es un regalo que nos da directamente de Su corazón.

Sabemos que en ocasiones especiales a lo largo del año recibiremos un regalo. Pero cada día es una ocasión especial con Jesús. Cada día El nos da el regalo de la vida y todo lo que conlleva. Como cristianos, recibimos el regalo de Jesús, nuevo y renovado cada día, con todo su amor y afecto. Su regalo es permitirnos explorar y experimentar cosas nuevas en Él y con Él cada día, si así lo elegimos.

Tenemos que tener cuidado de no empezar a tratar este regalo como si siempre fuera a estar ahí y no pensar mucho en él. No debemos olvidar cuán grande es el regalo de Su vida para nosotros, hoy.

Cuando era un joven ministro recuerdo a un orador invitado que tuvimos en la iglesia. En un tiempo este hombre y su esposa eran ministros de una iglesia muy exitosa en California. Entonces tuvo un ataque al corazón que causó la muerte del 80% de su corazón. A diferencia de hoy, no había nada médicamente que se pudiera hacer por él. Apenas vivía y la vida, tal como la conocía, había desaparecido. Si se esforzaba demasiado o hacía algo con demasiada rapidez, se desmayaría o posiblemente el resto de su corazón fallaría, y moriría.

Tuvieron que renunciar al ministerio. Vivió así varios años. Su mujer tuvo que aceptar un trabajo humilde para poder sobrevivir. Tuvieron que mudarse de su casa a algo más pequeño que pudieran pagar.

Años más tarde asistieron a una conferencia y durante una reunión él empezó a tener un ataque al corazón. Algunas personas a su alrededor reconocieron que necesitaba ayuda en ese momento. Ellos lo trajeron y oraron por el y su corazon fue completamente, totalmente restaurado 100%. Su vida instantaneamente cambio de estar casi muerto a vivir en plenitud. Ambos recuperaron sus vidas, él era un hombre nuevo. Literalmente tenía un corazón que funcionaba al 100%. Paso de no poder levantarse de su sofa, a andar en bicicleta por el vecindario compartiendo su testimonio con todo el que quisiera escucharlo. Ahora estaba viajando, predicando el evangelio de nuevo y compartiendo su testimonio.

Nosotros dos, que dirigíamos la iglesia en aquel momento, le mirábamos a los ojos con una mirada de gratitud por haber tenido una segunda oportunidad en la vida. Realmente se podía ver en sus ojos. Mirándole y escuchándole, sabíamos que sabía que se le había dado una segunda oportunidad con el don de la vida.

Puede que no tengamos una enfermedad que nos impida vivir, pero ¿hasta qué punto comprendemos que hoy se nos ha dado el don de la vida? ¡Es un día completamente nuevo! Realmente es el primer día del resto de tu vida. ¿Cuán agradecidos estamos? ¿Cuánto apreciamos de verdad este día? ¿Sentimos el amor y el afecto que Él nos extiende hoy?
Él está deseando que desenvuelvas Su regalo de vida hoy y disfrutes cada aspecto de Su vida. ¿Te das cuenta de que Dios está disfrutando hoy desenvolviendo el regalo de tu vida y de todo lo que eres? ¿Le estás dando el regalo de tu vida como muestra de tu amor y afecto? Debemos darnos cuenta de que Él te está dando Su vida porque también disfruta de ti. Debemos tener cuidado de no mirar el día de hoy con los pensamientos de un día más, similar al de ayer, nada diferente. En lugar de eso, veamos a Jesús vivo con nosotros hoy, creando cosas nuevas, dándonos nuevas experiencias y acercándonos más a Él. Envuelto en Su regalo de vida hoy hay un sinfín de posibilidades. Así que hoy tómate un tiempo para decir: “Gracias, gracias, gracias Señor Jesús” por tu regalo de vida abundante hoy y luego abre y disfruta el regalo más grande que jamás se te haya dado.

¡Gracias a Dios por Su regalo indescriptible!
2 Corintios 9:15 NASB2020

Pero a cada uno de nosotros nos fue dada la gracia conforme a la medida del don de Cristo. Efesios 4:7 NASB2020

Bucurându-ne de darul vieții Sale “astăzi”

Bucurându-ne de darul vieții Sale “astăzi”

Mulțumim lui Dumnezeu pentru darul Său de nedescris! 2 Corinteni 9:15 NASB202020

Orice lucru bun dat și orice dar desăvârșit vine de sus; el se pogoară de la Tatăl luminilor [Creatorul și Susținătorul cerurilor], la care nu există nici o variație [nici un răsărit, nici un apus], nici umbră aruncată de întoarcerea Lui [căci El este desăvârșit și nu se schimbă niciodată].Iacov 1:17 AMP

Dacă ești creștin și ești capabil să citești titlul acestui articol, atunci darul vieții lui Isus Hristos, tot ceea ce este El și tot ceea ce reprezintă El ți-a fost extins astăzi. Dacă nu ești creștin, darul vieții ți-a fost extins și astăzi. Acum, haideți să luăm un minut pentru a ne gândi cu adevărat la acest gând, în timp ce analizăm definiția unui dar.

Cadou; ceva dat de bunăvoie cuiva fără plată; ceva dat sau transferat în mod voluntar de o persoană altei persoane fără compensație; un obiect dat cuiva fără a aștepta o plată sau ceva în schimb. Este menit să fie o ofrandă de bunăvoie, fără obligații, fără să se aștepte să se dea ceva în schimb;

Cadourile au rolul de a simboliza afecțiunea și aprecierea pe care o avem față de cineva. Oferirea de cadouri, indiferent de ocazie, este menită să fie o dovadă a dragostei și aprecierii pe care o avem pentru persoana căreia îi oferim cadoul. Este menit să le binecuvânteze și să le încurajeze. Cu toate acestea, știm, de asemenea, că uneori pare a fi o obligație.

Știm că, indiferent de ocazie, protocolul este că trebuie să aducem un cadou. Când a fost ultimul cadou pe care l-ați oferit cuiva din cauza iubirii sau afecțiunii pe care i-o purtați? Acum gândiți-vă de câte ori ați oferit un cadou din protocol, fără să aveți cu adevărat vreun sentiment atașat în procesul de oferire a cadoului.

Dacă aveți o familie numeroasă, de obicei oferiți cadouri tot timpul și, desigur, există acele momente în care este norma socială să oferiți un cadou. Acum, înainte de a ne condamna pe noi înșine, nu este nimic în neregulă cu norma socială, zile de naștere, dușuri, nunți, lista poate continua la nesfârșit. Știm că trebuie oferit un cadou. Știm că este considerat potrivit să oferi un cadou. Dar cadoul nu este atât de mult din dragoste și apreciere pentru cel căruia îi oferim cadoul, cât mai ales pentru că asta este ceea ce trebuie să faci.

Cu toate acestea, în fiecare zi, când ne trezim într-o nouă zi, darul lui Hristos ne este oferit cu cea mai mare dragoste și afecțiune. Nu este o normă socială, nu este o obligație față de El, ci este din dragostea Lui pentru noi să ne binecuvânteze. Acest dar al vieții Sale, prezența Sa fiind cu noi, este persoana lui Isus însuși care își arată dragostea și afecțiunea pentru noi astăzi. El ne oferă acest dar în fiecare dimineață, când ne trezim pentru prima dată.

Nu ai făcut nimic pentru a primi acest dar, ci este ceea ce “El” a făcut și încă face pentru tine cu toată inima Sa. Țineți minte, un dar este ceva oferit în mod gratuit, nu este o plată pentru ceva, este doar o ofertă generoasă pe care o are o persoană și pe care este dispusă să o dea pentru a aduce beneficii altcuiva. Acest dar este pentru a-i binecuvânta, pentru a le îmbunătăți viața într-un fel, pentru a-i spori sau ridica într-un fel și pentru a-și arăta dragostea și afecțiunea față de ei.

Aceasta este ceea ce face Isus în fiecare zi. El ne dăruiește darul vieții Sale. El ni se dăruiește pe Sine însuși, viața Sa, nouă, pentru ca noi să o deschidem și să ne bucurăm de ea. Avem ocazia să simțim dragostea și afecțiunea pe care o are pentru noi în fiecare zi.

Fie că sunteți creștini sau nu, fiecare zi în care trăim este un dar. Ce facem cu acest dar este o alegere. Alegerea lui Isus în fiecare zi este de a ne oferi darul vieții Sale pentru ca noi să ne bucurăm de el. Este un dar oferit direct din inima Sa către noi.

Știm că la ocazii speciale, pe parcursul anului, există momente în care vom primi un cadou. Cu toate acestea, fiecare zi este o ocazie specială cu Isus. În fiecare zi, El ne oferă darul vieții și tot ceea ce merge cu ea. Ca și creștin, avem ocazia să primim darul lui Isus, nou și proaspăt în fiecare zi, cu toată dragostea și afecțiunea Sa. Darul Său ne permite să explorăm și să experimentăm lucruri noi în și cu El în fiecare zi, dacă alegem.

Trebuie să fim atenți să nu începem să tratăm acest dar ca și cum va fi mereu acolo și să nu ne mai gândim prea mult la el. Nu trebuie să uităm cât de mare este cu adevărat darul vieții Sale pentru noi, astăzi.

Ca tânăr slujitor, îmi amintesc de un vorbitor invitat pe care l-am avut în biserică. La un moment dat, acest bărbat și soția sa erau slujitori ai unei biserici de mare succes din California. Apoi a avut un atac de cord care a făcut ca 80% din inima lui să fie moartă. Spre deosebire de zilele noastre, nu se putea face nimic din punct de vedere medical pentru el. Abia mai trăia, iar viața, așa cum o cunoscuse el odată, dispăruse. Dacă făcea un efort prea mare sau făcea ceva prea repede, leșina sau, eventual, restul inimii îi ceda și murea.

A trebuit să renunțe la minister. A trăit în această stare timp de mai mulți ani. Viața, așa cum știau amândoi, se dusese. soția lui a trebuit să accepte o slujbă de josnicie doar pentru ca ei să supraviețuiască. Au fost nevoiți să se mute din casa lor și să se mute în ceva mai mic pe care și-l puteau permite.

Ani mai târziu, au participat la o conferință și, în timpul unei întâlniri, el a început să aibă un atac de cord. Unii oameni din jurul lui au recunoscut că avea nevoie de ajutor chiar atunci. L-au adus în față și s-au rugat pentru el, iar inima lui a fost complet, total restaurată 100%. Viața lui s-a schimbat instantaneu din nou, de la aproape moarte la viață din plin. Amândoi și-au recăpătat viața, el era un om nou. Avea literalmente o inimă care funcționa 100%. A trecut de la a nu se putea ridica de pe canapea, la a merge cu bicicleta prin cartier, împărtășind mărturia sa cu toți cei care îl ascultau. Acum călătorea, predica din nou Evanghelia și își împărtășea mărturia.

Noi doi, cei care conduceam biserica în acel moment, când ne-am uitat în ochii lui, am văzut o privire plină de recunoștință pentru a doua șansă la viață. Chiar se putea vedea în ochii lui. Privindu-l și ascultându-l, știai că știa că i s-a oferit o a doua șansă cu darul vieții.

Acum, poate că noi nu avem o afecțiune medicală care să ne împiedice viața, dar cât de mult înțelegem că ni s-a oferit astăzi darul vieții? Este o zi nouă! Este cu adevărat prima zi din restul vieții tale. Cât de recunoscători suntem? Cât de mult apreciem cu adevărat această zi? Simțim dragostea și afecțiunea pe care El ni le oferă astăzi?
El dorește ca tu să despachetezi astăzi darul vieții Sale și să te bucuri de fiecare aspect al vieții Sale. Îți dai seama că Dumnezeu se bucură să despacheteze darul vieții tale și tot ceea ce ești tu, astăzi? Îi oferiți darul vieții voastre ca o dovadă a iubirii și afecțiunii voastre? Trebuie să ne dăm seama că El îți dăruiește viața Lui pentru că se bucură și de tine. Trebuie să fim atenți să nu privim ziua de astăzi cu gândul că este doar o altă zi, asemănătoare cu cea de ieri, nimic diferit. În schimb, vedeți-L pe Isus ca fiind viu cu noi astăzi, creând lucruri noi, oferindu-ne experiențe noi și apropiindu-ne de El. Înfășurate în darul vieții Sale de astăzi sunt posibilități nesfârșite. Așa că astăzi fă-ți timp să spui: “Mulțumesc, mulțumesc, mulțumesc, mulțumesc, Doamne Isuse” pentru darul vieții abundente de astăzi și apoi deschide și bucură-te de cel mai mare dar care ți-a fost dat vreodată.

Mulțumesc lui Dumnezeu pentru darul Său de nedescris!
2 Corinteni 9:15 NASB2020

Dar fiecăruia dintre noi i-a fost dat harul, după măsura darului lui Hristos. Efeseni 4:7 NASB202020

Enjoying His Gift of Life, “TODAY”!

Enjoying His Gift of Life “Today”

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15 NASB2020

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of lights [the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens], in whom there is no variation [no rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [for He is perfect and never changes] .James 1:17 AMP

If you are a Christian and are able to read the title of this article then the gift of Jesus Christ’ life, all that He is, and all that He represents has been extended to you, today. If you are not a Christian the gift of life has still been extended to you today. Now let’s take a minute to really think this thought through as we look at the definition of a gift. 

Gift; something given willingly to someone without payment; something voluntarily given or transferred by one person to another without compensation; an item given to someone without the expectation of payment or anything in return. It is meant to be a free will offering with no strings attached with no expectation of anything given back in return;

Gifts are to symbolize the affection and appreciation we have for someone. Gift-giving, regardless of the occasion, is meant to be a show of our love and appreciation we have for the person whom we are giving the gift to. It is meant to bless them and encourage them. However, we also know sometimes it seems to be an obligation. 

We know whatever the occasion, the protocol is we should bring a gift. When was the last gift you gave to someone because of your love or affection for them?  Now think how many times you have given a gift out of protocol, not really having any feeling attached in the gift giving process.

If you have a large family you are usually giving gifts all the time and, of course, there are those times it’s the social norm to give a gift. Now before we condemn ourselves there is nothing wrong with the social norm, birthdays, showers, weddings, the list can go on and on. We know a gift is to be given. We know it’s considered proper to give a gift. But the gift isn’t so much out of our love and appreciation for whoever we are giving the gift to as much as that’s just what you’re supposed to do. 

Yet every day, as we wake up to a new day, the gift of Christ is being given to us with the greatest of love and affection.  It’s not a social norm, it’s not an obligation to Him, it is out of His love for us to bless us. This gift of His life, His presence being with us, is the person of Jesus Himself showing His love and affection for us today. He gives us this gift every morning when we first wake up. 

There is nothing you did to get this gift, it is what “He” did and is still doing for you with all of His heart. Remember, a gift is something given freely, it’s not a payment for something, it is just a generous offer one person has and is willing to give away to benefit someone else. This gift is to bless them, to improve their life in some way, to enhance or lift them in some way, and to show love and affection toward them. 

This is what Jesus is doing everyday. He is giving us the gift of His life. He is giving us Himself, His life, new for us to open and enjoy. We get to feel His love and affection He has for us every day. 

Whether you are a Christian or not, every day we are alive is a gift. What we do with this gift is a choice. Jesus’ choice every day is to give the gift of His life to us for us to enjoy. It is a gift given directly from His heart to us. 

We know on special occasions, throughout the year there are times we will get a gift. Yet everyday is a special occasion with Jesus. Every day He is giving us the gift of life and all that goes with it.  As a Christian we get to receive the gift of Jesus, new and afresh every day, with all His love and affection. His gift is allowing us to explore and experience new things in and with Him every day, if we choose. 

We need to be careful we do not start treating this gift like it is always going to be there and  not really giving it much thought anymore. We must not forget how great a gift His life truly is for us, today.

As a young minister I recall a guest speaker we had in the church. At one time this man and his wife were ministers of a very successful church in California. Then he had a heart attack that caused 80% of his heart to be dead. Unlike today, there was nothing medically that could be done for him. He was barely alive and  life, as he once knew, was gone. If he exerted himself too much or did anything too quickly he would pass out or possibly have the rest of his heart crash, and he would die.

 They had to give up the ministry. He lived in this condition for several years. Life, as they both knew, was gone.His wife had to take a menial job just for them to survive. They had to move out of their house and into something smaller they could afford. 

Years later they attended a conference and during a meeting he started having a heart attack. Some people around him recognized he needed help right then. They brought him forward and prayed for him and his heart was completely, totally restored 100%. His life instantly changed again from almost dead to life in its fullest. They both had their lives back, he was a new man. He literally had a heart that worked 100%. He went from not being able to get off his couch, to riding a bike through the neighborhood sharing his testimony with everyone who would listen. He was now traveling, preaching the gospel again and sharing his testimony. 

The two of us, who led the church at that time, as we looked into his eyes, it was a look of such gratitude for a second chance at life. You really could see it in his eyes. Looking at him and listening to him you knew he knew he had been given a second chance with the gift of life. 

 Now we may not have a medical condition which hinders our life, but how much do we understand we’ve been given the gift of life today? It’s a brand new day! It really is the first day of the rest of your life. How grateful are we? How much do we truly appreciate this day? Do we feel the love and affection He is extending to us today?

 He is wanting you to unwrap His gift of life today and enjoy every aspect of His life. Do you realize that God is enjoying unwrapping the gift of your life and everything you are, today? Are you giving Him the gift of your life as a show of your love and affection? We must realize He is giving you His life because He enjoys you as well. We must be careful not to look at today with the thoughts of just another day,  similar to yesterday, nothing different. Instead, see Jesus as alive with us today, creating new things, giving us new experiences, and drawing us closer to Himself. Wrapped up in His gift of life today is endless possibilities. So today take time to say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord Jesus” for your gift of abundant life today and then  open and enjoy the greatest gift ever given to you.

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!  2 Corinthians 9:15 NASB2020

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Ephesians :7 NASB2020

Groundhog Day

Moving On With Life

“Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?….Is.43:18‭-‬19 NKJV

19 I am going to do something new. It is already happening. Don’t you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land. GW Isa 43:19

From these scriptures God was explaining, through Isaiah, all the things He had done in the past for them. Miraculous and amazing things which they witnessed. However, His point in mentioning the past was not to get them looking at the past but to understand He was the same God today, right now, as he was back when He did those awesome works on their behalf.

 If you have been a Christian for any length of time you could do the same, you can look back at all you know God did on your behalf. You might even use the statement “remember when”. But even like we read in Isaiah, God was trying to get His people, you and I, to see what He is doing now, not back then. As good as yesterday with Jesus was, there is the good He is and will be today because He is the same. 

There is an event in February called Groundhog day. It is a superstition started back as far as 1600  when the groundhog comes out from hibernation and if he sees his shadow it means six more weeks of winter. It has also become a phrase used in situations in which a series of unwelcome, tedious events seem to stay the same as they are repeated over and over, recurring in exactly the same way. 

There was even a movie done many years ago entitled Groundhog Day. It’s about a person who gets caught repeating the same day over and over. He wakes up to the same scene day after day and tries to convince others of what is happening, but no one believes him. So he starts to adopt an “I don’t care anymore” attitude. He thinks since he repeats each day the same, what does it matter? He’s stuck. So he does as he pleases. However he slowly starts getting conscious as to who he really is inside and starts to make himself a better person. Each day he learns new things to improve himself. Now, of course like most movies he is doing it to win over a girl. So each day he sees his wrong motives and eventually does get his motives right.

Well as a pastor for many years I believe there is a Christian version of Groundhog Day. Where many Christians get stuck in the same cycle of being a good Christian, doing the right things over and over again and eventually losing track of where they are in their walk with Jesus. They are doing these Christian things and do not see the person they have become inside. Their version of Christianity becomes rote, tradition, nothing different, nothing new. They don’t really feel the life or passion in what they do, they just do it. Now I am not saying they are bad people, they are still good people, its just they are not experiencing Jesus Christ the way they did when they first met Him. 

Think with me for a bit, if we truly look at Jesus, the author of Life, Resurrected Lord of all, we have to ask ,”how can this be so”? How can life be the same over and over again with the Lord of all creation? Yet if many were truly honest about their routine, they could say  it was the same as always, and could do it blindfolded. They get so used to it they really have no other thoughts. They just do, and that’s it, that’s all there is to it. They remain good Christians, and nothing wrong with that. They go to church, again, nothing wrong with that. But it is almost as if they are doing it robotically or asleep, yet awake. Nothing new, nothing different. 

So here is the question, how new is Jesus today, right now to you? Is He the same ”old” Lord? I mean scripture does state “He is the same yesterday, today and forever”. Or, is He new and alive today just like He was yesterday. The difference is just like the Lord was saying through Isaiah, His newness is springing up right now, can’t you see it? Sadly though, many do not look because they have allowed the same things over and over to speak to them and have gotten comfortable with the routine, and this is life. They experience it again and again and slowly fall into a habit or pattern of Groundhog day. 

Every day, every single day you wake up with Jesus you have the ability for new life to come forth bringing you new things,  that is if you are looking for them. We need to take the time to check our lives and evaluate how fresh and new Jesus is to us today. It could be you are in need of His life flooding your life today. His new life is happening right now.

2 Cor 4:16

16 So we do not give up. Our physical body is becoming older and weaker, but our spirit inside us is made new every day. NCV

16 So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. MES

So no wonder we don’t give up. For even though our outer person gradually wears out, our inner being is renewed every single day. TPT

Therefore we do not become discouraged (utterly spiritless, exhausted, and wearied out through fear). Though our outer man is [progressively] decaying and wasting away, yet our inner self is being [progressively] renewed day after day. AMPC

Remember the day His salvation came into your life, you knew Him and how alive you were in Him and how real His presence in your life was. He is still that same amazing life giving God today.  Ask yourself how exciting is my life with Jesus? You want to say I’m okay, but make sure this is not from your state of comfortableness, being used to nothing changing, everything the same as yesterday. 

Well I believe there is a life with Jesus inside every Christian wanting and even trying to burst forth with new things, a new spiritual revelation, changing their environment to something full of what He says is abundant life every morning they wake up. We need to realize as Christ centered beings what that really entails. We can live a life that is truly alive with Christ. Every day we can be touching the living Lord of all creation. If it’s new, then it has the ability to produce life.  If it’s not new, then it is what you had yesterday and as good as that may have been it does not produce new life today.  Jesus wants you to experience the new life He has for you today. Today He is still saving you. 

Again, every day we have the ability to reach out and enjoy the fullness of being saved with Jesus. On a daily basis all of His life, joy, strength, and blessings are available. Daily we can experience new growth in our relationship with him, in our faith, and in our revelation from His Words. The  possibilities are unlimited. We just have to agree to not get caught in the grind of life but instead be renewed in the freshness of His life. Every day we are seeking out the amazing treasure of life found only in Him afresh and anew this day. He is the Extraordinary, Exceptional, and Enjoyable God.


Every year I always pray and ask the Lord for a Word concerning the coming year and this is what I believe I heard for 2023. This is a little different this year from previous years because as I prayed I heard four different words. First, this is the year to focus on “Christ in me”, Second, “be prepared”, Third, “Confession” and Fourth, tend to your garden. As I continued to pray over these words I believe the Lord said to me this was a season for personal growth and to take care of these three plants. 

The first plant is our personal relationship with Jesus. You can grow  deeper in this area if you want to. This is to be done through communication, hearing, listening, looking, being watchful and aware, which I felt was the “be prepared” part. It wasn’t Him saying beware or a warning in the “be prepared” part as much as Him just saying to be aware that there were things to come in a positive sense and could be missed if we are not paying attention. We are to keep our eyes and ears open watchfully. Part of this personal growth is to be through our confession and communication with the Lord. This is how our heart will grow in loving Him and being His friend. 

The second plant is to be active in building His Kingdom by looking how to flow with His Kingdom Ways/Purposes. As opportunities come up to jump in and be a doer of the Word, looking to assist when possible in this flow. 

The third plant is His Blessing, but it wasn’t looking at how to be blessed but at where you are already blessed. Look inwardly in your life first, next look outwardly to where you sense His strongest flow coming from your life. Then look at the people and events or activities in your surroundings that God is blessing which have nothing to do with you. As you see these things pour yourself into them.  

Keep a sharp focus on these three areas. Water and fertilize them by prayer, words and participation. 

I felt Him stressing to me to pay no attention to those things and events happening around us which are of the world and things of the world. It is a time to truly evaluate the flesh and leave it behind. Things are going to grow exponentially, however that which is of the  flesh will as well. It is going to be a season of growth with good rich soil which will grow anything so be careful what you plant for it will grow. 

Mk.4, Gal 6:7-10

7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. NIV

Col 3:1-4

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. NIV

Christ in me, Be Prepared, Confession, Tend to Your Garden

Gal.2:20, Col.1:27-28, Psalm 19, 141:1-4, Mt.25:1-13, 1Pet.3:15, 1Cor.16:13-14

Blessed Are The Flexible

Luke 2:6‭-‬7

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them. NIV

Luke 2:16-20

16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. NIV

They say if you have family then you have true wealth.

What Clarence the angel told George Bailey in the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life,

“Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends.”

Bettye and I arrived Thursday evening pulling up to a huge cabin that sleeps 30 plus people. This was where the family would get together for the weekend before Christmas. Our entire family, our children and their children, all 20 of us were going to be in this cabin till Sunday. We started the evening off with the theme, “everyone must remain “flexible”. This is such a good word for our bunch. I believe this is a good word for any family to hear because God created everyone so different and unique. 

Flexible: capable of bending easily without breaking, able to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances or conditions, ready and able to change so as to adapt to different circumstances.

With our group there were 8 families represented. All very diverse in their personalities, thinking, and in their general way of doing life. But everyone did life as one family for a weekend. 

There were the obvious differences in how each navigated their families. There were differences on how things should or shouldn’t be done for us as one big group. But it worked because we stayed flexible. This meant whether we agreed or not we would bend and flow together with what was happening and be willing to change to do life together as a group. 

Staying together as a group was more important than our individual wants, likes, and dislikes. Being with family, and staying family was what would override our personal differences on how we thought things should go. I could tell things throughout the weekend rubbed some of us the wrong way but everyone kept civil and flowed together for what was an enjoyable time as family.

Think of it. Mary is given no option on being the mother of Jesus. She is told the Holy Spirit would be the father. She is technically pregnant without being married, and her husband to be is considering divorcing her. Joseph is told to marry her even though the child is not his. We know family and neighbors close to them knew what was happening, it couldn’t have been a secret. I’m sure it was challenging trying to explain their situation. Both of them had to have remained flexible. 

Even right before giving birth they had to travel. Mary could not find a room to stay in and gave birth in a place, I am sure, she wouldn’t have picked. We could say they didn’t have an option. This was to fulfill prophecy, but they flowed with it given these unusual circumstances. This was how Joseph and Mary started their family. I’m sure it’s not what they would have chosen themselves. This is also how Jesus chose to begin life, under conditions and circumstances that were not the normal way. 

What’s amazing here is scripture states Mary treasured all these things and pondered them. Meaning she held them close and thought about them as good memories. No question about it, for Joseph and Mary the memories would have the theme of how flexible they had been. 

Christmas is one of the best times to cultivate stronger relationships whether it be family or friends. A major factor to take into account on Christmas is Christ came to earth born into a family, and displayed to the whole world His personal relationship with His Father. He made the statement toward the end of His physical life that no greater love has a person than they lay down their life for a friend. This is the true Spirit of family and of friendship, this is what Jesus brought to earth with His birth and throughout His life. 

We know Jesus seemed to struggle with His disciples grasping what He was teaching them. We know Jesus’ mother asked things of Him at times that didn’t seem to be according to His plans. We know the disciples didn’t always get along with each other. Yet throughout His life, here on earth, Jesus maintained a flow even in difficult circumstances and situations. He remained flexible.

No doubt probably one of the hardest areas to navigate flexibility is with family and friends. But we know it can be done, because Jesus showed us the way. In Him and with Him we can let go of our differences when there is a greater goal. The greater goal is to keep the Spirit of family and keep friendships regardless of our differences and ways of doing life. We must set aside personal differences and preferences for the sake of staying together as family and maintaining the friendships.

 I’m sure Joseph and Mary would have chosen differently but they chose to do it the way God planned. I think Jesus at times wondered about those He called His friends, yet maintained a flow with those that even abandoned Him. He chose to show them something greater than their attitudes and actions which was love. Talk about being flexible! Can we flow with those God has put in our lives, can we love them even though they do not do life the way we do? Family can be tough at times to flow with yet it is a major theme God has always maintained throughout scripture. Family was and still is of great importance to God. Friendships can be tough at times yet seem to be important enough for Jesus to show what friendship truly is all about.

All throughout scriptures you will find the theme of family and friendship and doing life God’s way. God is all about family. Family is the environment of home, it is what happens in a house. House is the word used to describe the physical building someone lives in. Home is a more personal term which involves the people and daily activities inside the house. 

Family environment happens in the home. Whether your home life was great or not so great, you can still cultivate in your heart a family spirit. God has made you one of His family members. So His family will always be the standard for any family. God proved His heart about family with the birth of His Son Jesus. So again whether your home life was good or not everyone has this standard to understand how to build a family spirit in their heart. Even if you are at a point in life where you have no family, then be a blessing somehow to someone else’s family, this is how you develop a family spirit for yourself. 

Christmas is a great time to cultivate family. Wherever you go bring His family Spirit with you. Maybe your family is hard to be around, remember to be flexible. Well that’s easy to say, but you don’t know my sister or you don’t know my brother, you haven’t met my parents. Remember, you as a Christian should  set the standard of family. God the Father accepted you when you were not family. Jesus puts up with you and accepts you as a brother or sister. He even calls you a friend.  

Family is one of the greatest attributes of His creation. God used the family of Joseph and Mary to bring forth His Son. God began with a family, Adam and Eve, He used Abraham to start a family which would become the nation of Israel, and He ends with family with His Son coming for His bride. 

What’s interesting is throughout this history of the Jewish people Abraham was not just known as a father but a friend of God’s. (2Chron.20:7, Is.41:8, James 2:23)  A friend of God means He is there for the good of this person. However a person needs to be flexible, because sometimes His Good for a person may not be what they would choose. We can see through Abraham’s flexibility he gets to display family, father, and friend for all of eternity. Jesus continued the same Spirit of family by displaying a strong loving  relationship with His Father. 

The family is the nurturing environment for people to come into their full potential. It is to be the strongest example, here on earth, of the environment of love. The family produces our concepts of love, father, protection, sensitivity, and the list can go on and on. Family is God’s divine container to preserve His ways for mankind to be passed on from one generation to the next. Family is God’s ordained school for molding, shaping, and growing His Kingdom in every generation.

His friendship reveals how strong a bond should be between two people. Family and friendship is a powerful biblical truth. You may say I have no friends, you can still move in the true Spirit of friendship like Jesus.

John 15:13-16

13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. NIV

You might say I have no family or your family is torn apart, you can still have the family Spirit of Christ and reveal this to others. You are part of the biggest and greatest family to ever exist. During this time of the year be a friend to someone whether they see you as a friend or not. Be family to someone, maybe even help a family but show the family Spirit of God to others, whether they are your family or not. For those who have family, and they are hard to be around, be flexible and be there for them.

In God’s eyes, family and friendship are His most powerful method in doing Kingdom Business. The devil is always working at destroying family and to separate friends. Christmas is a great time to promote His Kingdom ways with the Spirit of  family and to show true friendship. He started with family, and brought forth many sons and daughters and called them friends. Family and friends are the method for which He wants to produce and reflect His ways and nature here on earth. It is how God, throughout history, will continually defeat the devil. 

He builds you into family by molding and shaping you into His image. God is in the business of redeeming multitudes of men and women into His divine plan. Christmas is a great time to let go of what you may be lacking concerning family or friends and sow into others. We can build the atmosphere of both family and friendship by aligning with the Father’s heart for people everywhere, which is why His Son was born.  

Remind yourself of this when you start feeling the difficulty you might find with your family or that friend, be FLEXIBLE!! Remember to have a Christmas you will treasure for yourself by letting the past go and start afresh with the Spirit of Christ operating in and through your life by being family and friend to all you encounter. To have the best Christmas ever has nothing to do with being on your best behavior, but everything to do with being the best friend or family member you could ever be. 

The birth of Jesus empowers us to forgive and  gives us the ability to not just overlook offenses but to let them go. It doesn’t matter how others have been toward you, but it does matter how you are toward them.  Let the heart of Christ in us direct us to have the best attitude. If you are going to honor the Christ of Christmas, then be His friend by bringing His Spirit to all your family and friends. Create for them a memory they will last. Be the best friend ever, be the best family member ever. Enjoy what you can of the relationships you have with family and friends. 

His birth was about bringing people that were distant close and into His family. Those who did not deserve His love, He extended it to them anyway. Should we not clothe ourselves the same? Jesus extends the same love and acceptance toward all. If we want to have the best Christmas ever, one to remember, then be that friend you should be and bring the family Spirit with you. Make a new friend, and form a stronger bond with a family member. If you have family you have wealth, if you have friends then you have wealth. Be thankful for the wealth you have and out of this gratefulness extend His Spirit to as many as you can. Christmas is one of the best times to do so. 

Christmas Series Part 3

Grinch, Scrooge, or Merry Christmas

True Joy

Luke 2:10

But the angel said to them, Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people. AMP

The angel announced to the shepherds a statement of the position God now took with mankind for eternity. The birth of Jesus was a “great joy”. It would ring true, echoing throughout the corridors of time. God through His Son, brought joy for anyone who wanted it. It came in the package of Jesus. If you have Jesus then you have God’s great joy. What the angel said was so profound. Good News of a Great Joy and it was for All People.

Look at what this term “great joy” means scripturally. The word “great” concerning this joy has two distinct definitions. First, the importance of how great His birth was, how important the person who was just born is to all. Angels announcing His birth show the intensity and high degree of importance which was given to Him, this is His greatness. 

Second, the size and volume of the joy He brings. It is infinite joy, it never ends and is always found there with Him. It is a joy which is greater than anything else that could ever be found that would bring a person joy. This was a joy brought forth for the whole earth. 

 Let’s define this “joy” in the scripture. One definition is an archer’s term. When an archer pulls the string of his bow and releases the arrow, the twang of the string signifies he can now relax. The tension of the archer’s arm holding the pulled string is gone. So joy is a sense of release, to relax, and to be at peace. A second definition of joy is to show or proclaim  excitement when darkness and chaos have  been swallowed up or overwhelmed by God. With God, a person can have His joy which is greater than any negative situation or circumstance. His joy is greater than anything else and can actually cover, overwhelm, and swallow up any circumstance of any degree. A third definition is happiness, inner gladness, a deep seated pleasure which a person can only find in God. A joy found only in His spiritual realities that bring a sense of happiness regardless of what may be happening around an individual.  

God’s own personal joy the angels announced at Jesus birth was now found in His Son. This would be a great joy to all people everywhere. The joy Jesus has from His Father is now given to anyone who wants to have it. It is there for anyone who comes to Jesus. In Him, with Him, through Him is this great joy. A great joy which came to all with His birth. 

As a Christian He lives inside of you and reveals Himself to all those around you. We are now representatives of this joy for all to see. Through Jesus we have the ability to always be joyful just like Him. There is no better time to proclaim and display this joy which is deep within our hearts than when people are most open to hear and see it, which is during the Christmas season. 

So you might be asking why  I went through such a lengthy definition. Because having this knowledge will produce something deeper coming from your heart when you say, “Merry Christmas”. This is so our words are not shallow, or without depth behind them, or being overused to the place where it lacks in importance. 

You no doubt hear the words Merry Christmas hundreds of times over the Christmas Holiday. So when you say it to someone or return the saying back to someone you have the true basis of where “Merry” comes from. When you say Merry Christmas it comes from the great joy of Jesus Himself. An inner gladness, a relaxed position where there is no tension because darkness and any chaos has been swallowed up in Him. 

We are presenting His truth of joy to others. It’s His joy in us bringing a deep pleasure from within, regardless of our situation. From this position we are spreading His joy to all those around us. It is a normal attitude for those walking with Jesus, because He is our great joy. You can bring this deep seated  happiness, this type of joy every time you say, “Merry Christmas”. 

To be happy is an emotion, to be merry is a behavior. Now that does not mean we can’t be happy, it just means there is a foundation to happiness, a foundation to being merry, which is His great joy living inside of us. This is what His birth brought us at Christmas. This word “merry” actually is an old word which comes from the idea that something is so pleasant it makes time fly. So let His joy be seen. Christmas is a great time to show what “merry” really entails. It is a joyful heart that leads to joyful behavior. This joy we display shows the very heart attitude of God Himself. 

There is no grinch in God, nor is there a Scrooge, God doesn’t know how to be grumpy, just the opposite, He only knows how to be full of joy. His character is pure, undefiled joy and this is what He brought to the whole world at the birth of Jesus. So let the people around us see true joy being expressed, this great joy which came at the birth of Christ. Let them sense you really do hope they have a Merry Christmas. 

Luke 2:20

 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. NIV

We need to check our joy thermometer, to see how joyful we are?

Is His joy in our “Merry Christmas”?

Christmas Series Part 2

Unwrapping the Gift

Having Child Like Faith at Christmas

Matthew 18:1‭-‬4

At that time the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And He called a child to Himself and set him among them, and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. So whoever will humble himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. NASB2020

It was  completely quiet in the house and then I was awakened by the sound of children trying to act quiet. I could hear them doing their best to whisper as they were running down the hall toward our bedroom door to see if we were awake. It was Christmas morning and they were wide awake with excitement. They had already been up staring at the presents under the tree which had been there for a week or more. They knew which ones had their names on them. Christmas morning was here, and they didn’t have to wait anymore, they finally get to open their presents. 

Of course they knew they had to wait for their mother and I to get up. So there they were at our bedroom door asking if we were awake. I have to admit I was excited for their excitement. We got up and moved to the living room where the tree with all the presents sat under it. They were so excited as they started opening up their presents with each gift getting a special reaction. 

That was many years ago, my daughters are all grown now with their own homes and waking  up with their children on Christmas morning. Looking back, what is so amazing to me was their excitement, the excitement of a child. 

At that moment it was their whole world, nothing else existed.  There was nothing more important than that moment, they were focused. Remembering all those Christmas mornings their excitement is what I remember most but also as parents our excitement as well. It was just as exciting watching their excitement, it was contagious. It was priceless to see their reaction when they saw the gift inside for the first time. While there was anticipation on their side, there was on my side as well. Even though I knew what was in the wrapped present, watching them was a thrill. 

Jesus said unless you become like a little child. Think of how our Heavenly Father is when He blesses us, watching us as we are surprised by the blessing just like opening a present. Again, Jesus said unless we become like little children. While we cannot go back and be a child again, we can look at the truths about being a child and what that means in attitude of heart and mind to imitate now. 

Christmas is His celebrated birthday all over the world. I know there are those who say it wasn’t really on the 25th, so What?! There is no other known date and there is no other time people are celebrating His birth. Therefore we should do our best to center our attention around His birth. We can show our excitement for Him, put Him first. 

Ask yourself how excited are you about the gift of Jesus? Can you imagine God the Father giving us His Son knowing what was in the gift we would unwrap. He told us about this gift for thousands of years through the prophets and patriarchs, and now this gift gets to be opened. Try to imagine how excited the Father must have been. The day of His birth was finally here. He knew what the gift was. Think of His excitement. He sent angels to announce it and they were rejoicing and giving praise for this gift. How exciting this was for all of heaven to join in the celebration of His Son being born. 

Luke 2:10-14

And so the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army of angels praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among people with whom He is pleased.” NASB2020

Just like my children on Christmas morning opening their presents, we get an opportunity to be reminded of God’s gift, His Son Jesus every Christmas. However the difference now is we get to enjoy this gift 24/7, 365 days every year. We get to unwrap the present of Jesus given to us every single morning we get up. It can be Christmas morning, every day. How excited about this gift are you? Even if you’re a fuddy dud about Christmas, use this time of the year to remind yourself and as many around you of this truth. His birth was the entrance of salvation for the world. It was the Fathers greatest gift for us. 

2 Corinthians 9:15

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! NIV

Ephesians 2:8

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—NIV

Ephesians 4:7

Yet grace (God’s unmerited favor) was given to each of us individually [not indiscriminately, but in different ways] in proportion to the measure of Christ’s [rich and bounteous] gift. AMPC

Matthew 7:11

……….. how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! NIV

His life, grace, and mercy is new every morning. We get to open this gift of Christ every single day. He is alive, living and breathing right now. Again, how excited about Jesus are you? We get to open the greatest gift ever given in the history of mankind. Every day the gift of His Son is there for us to unwrap and explore all the depths and riches of His grace, His love, the blessings He has for us, afresh and anew. He knows what we are going to unwrap, and He is just excited. So how much excitement should we really be displaying to those around us?

We should always have enthusiasm and excitement about Jesus, but Christmas gives us a great opportunity to show it, especially because people are thinking about it.

Enthusiasm: intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

If you are excited about Jesus then your excitement can naturally spill over to excite others using Christmas to show your enthusiasm for Jesus. Just like my excitement watching my children’s excitement opening their presents, let your excitement be seen. Show others Christmas is about the gift of Christ and how everyday we get to open this present which started at His birth. Of course this shouldn’t be just at Christmas but all year, however this time of the year is when the majority of people throughout the world are aware of His birth.  Unwrap God’s gift of Jesus in front of as many people as you can showing excitement and enthusiasm. 

The most amazing part of this truth is we get to keep opening the gift of Jesus everyday for the rest of our lives. How exciting, to have Him as the gift which keeps giving. The Father gave us a gift, one which can be opened all the time, not just on Christmas. Let our excitement and enthusiasm spill over as we open the present of Jesus Christ for others to witness.

Excitement, and enthusiasm are contagious. Unwrap the Present of Jesus in front of everyone, so everyone one can see how great a present we were truly given. Christmas is a wonderful reminder of the birth of His Son given to the world as the greatest gift ever given in the history of mankind on earth.

How excited about Jesus are you?

Do you anticipate  unwrapping the present of Christ?

Is your excitement contagious?