Magi From The East
Christmas as they say truly is a wonderful time of the year. Christmas brings with it so many colorful and festive events which fill out our calendars. With these events come all the scenarios and images that make Christmas what it is. Magi From The East gives us some understanding on the Magi and their experience and understand of this amazing time in history.
His Word Endures Forever: Developing A Love For God Through His Words (Book 3)
If you are going to be a disciple of Jesus Christ then you will have to be a lifelong student of scripture. To follow Jesus you will obviously have to be a follower of His Words. This book is the third in a five book series on being a disciple of Jesus. The following pages will hopefully inspire and motivate new believers or any believer wanting to learn how to study and develop His Words into their heart and mind. Book three leads a person into why and how to develop a love for God through studying the Bible. It will help in the knowledge of a personal relationship with Jesus. This book will help you dig into the riches of scriptures with the outcome being a hunger for more of His living Words as they find their place in your heart. You will discover to know His Word is to know Jesus and to know Jesus is to know the living Words of God for they are one and the same.

To Raise Our Children Again: A Quick Easy Guide Of 12 Powerful Truths In Raising Great Children
Like a quarterback after the game, he looks for ways he could have done it better. Having already raised their children they reflect back using illustrations, stories and examples from their own lives to show areas that they know really matter in raising children. Their goal is to see every parent not just survive but succeed at parenting great children. They share 12 powerful truths in this book that can be an asset to anyone at any stage in parenting. They believe how we raise our children has a profound influence on the future.
Kim and Bettye give compelling insight on what produces extraordinary adults out of your children. Being pastors of a church while raising their family gave them a unique opportunity in gaining an interesting perspective on what matters most. Their desire is that the truths they have learned will help you on your parenting journey
* What kind of adults do you want them to be later in life?
* What kind of influence do you want your children to have on others?
* How do you want your children to raise their children?

Praise: How to Connect with God’s Power and Presence Through Praise
We have so many great Bible stories illustrating the truth of God’s power and presence through Praise. From Jehoshaphat to Paul and Barnabas in prison, there can be no doubt about it, when we praise God things happen. When we begin to lift up praise to God it is heard in the heavens then moves to our realm here on earth, but more importantly it Spiritually begins to transform our lives. Whether you are just starting out in your Christian walk or have been on your journey for some time, anyone can learn and grow from this training tool. “Praise” is book 2 of a 5 book series and will help you grow stronger in your walk with God. “Praise” is an easy read meant to help anyone in developing a life of praising the living Lord. Learning and growing in this practice will give you an ability to enter into His presence and touch His power through praise. It’s just like riding a bike, we may have stopped riding once we entered the car phase of our lives but we can still get on a bike as if we never stopped. For all of us, learning certain methods and having them as tools on hand enables us to know how to spend that quality time with God. This book is to help you understand the powerful truth of why we should praise God, as well as being transformed when we do praise the living Lord. The first section of the book begins with foundational teachings and then moves to motivating you in Praise. The last section is a devotional designed to lead you through the practical application of praising God and assisting you in your own personal time of worship. The goal of this book is to give anyone who desires to develop a discipline of praise a tool they can use all of their lives.

Faith: How To Grow and Develop a Strong Heart of FAITH (Discipleship Series)
The Bible states every believer has been given a measure of faith. It’s interesting the disciples of Jesus did not ask Him to give them faith, they asked Him to increase their faith. In our Christian walk we all probably at times have asked God to give us more faith. Here in book 4 of this series the subject of faith is brought to light. It was written to bring understanding in this area and hopefully give a person the right tools on how to grow in their faith.
Jesus stated if we have faith as a mustard seed we could say to the mountain move and it will. As with all seeds they are meant to grow, a faith seed is no different, it is meant to grow. Many are satisfied with just a little faith and don’t realize within them is a seed that has powerful potential, (if they will do what’s necessary) to cause it to grow.
Jesus wants everyone’s faith to grow in order to take them past an average life to have an adventure in God. He takes us from a normal life to a supernatural way of living by faith. Jesus wants to grow a faith in us that will push back darkness and do powerful exploits in His name. A faith which brings His Kingdom here on earth like it is in heaven. Book 4 in this series brings out the foundation, principles and tools to grow and develop a strong heart of faith.

Discipleship: A Journey Of Growth (Discipleship Series)
This is the first of a five book series for any person who desires to start a journey of growth with Jesus. Through these pages you will discover what discipleship is and why discipleship is still so needful for today’s Christian population. Each chapter takes you through the basics of discipleship defining its necessary elements for anyone desiring growth. All the books in this series have been designed to take you step by step in developing principles you will keep the rest of your life. This book will give you step one and it probably is the most important key for a solid foundation of Spiritual maturity in any disciple’s life. As you unfold the pages of this first book it will inspire you and give you the needful information to start an amazing journey in a powerful life with God.